New GageMux Capabilties

Posted by Customer Service on 24th Apr 2012

ASDQMS’s GageMux USB Has New Functionalities!

Source: ASDQMS
Dated: Oct 19, 2011

ASDQMS is always on the cutting edge, constantly working on new product developments – we are the only interface company that has invested in new PATENT PENDING product development in the past few years based on our customers’ requests.

Advanced Systems & Designs (ASDQMS) GageMux USB multiple input gage interface has undergone new innovations since its initial release, including a faster speed and more gage compatibility! Now you can interface an even wider range of gages (calipers, force gages, digital protractors, height gages, and many more!) at a higher speed with ASDQMS’s GageMux USB. With GageMux USB connections, data transfer can be up to 100 times faster than with ordinary serial connections. You can even send readings at 38,400 baud rate – your gage readings will be sent to the computer faster than the competitors.

Diverse Gage Compatibility, at Home and Abroad

ASDQMS’s GageMux USB not only works with diverse gages (Ono Sokki, Mitutoyo, Fowler, Sylvac, Chatillon, CDI Starrett, and many more!), but in diverse countries as well – our optional USB-powered Mux means no power adapters are needed in foreign countries! ASDQMS has gone international, accommodating data collection needs all over the world from Mexico to Brazil to Ireland to Israel. Our unique product allows companies in quality control fields with plants all over the world to easily connect multiple gages to a single computer port, wherever they may be.

New Flash Cable Integration

We have also developed a new integration with the Flash Cable 3.0 – you can now configure all the serial parameters and request strings on your own using our Windows utility! This was not a possibility in the past, but thanks to ASDQMS’s dedication to staying on the cutting edge and being the lead innovator in the field, this feature is now possible with the GageMux USB. If you want the cables to come pre-configured, we can also do that for you – we can even store your gage's serial number and other information in the cables. Each Flash Cable comes with its own footswitch adapter in case you want to connect a footswitch directly to send readings. Flexibility is another neat feature that ASDQMS is proud to have in accommodating your unique data collection needs!

Lights, Lights, Lights!

The GageMux USB has LEDs that communicate to the user exactly what is going on, making it even more user-friendly. Green LEDs tell you when a reading is sent to the computer, red LEDs tell you when a gage is not reading correctly, and yellow LEDs let you know which output mode you have configured: USB, RS232, or Keyboard, and if the jumper is set. This box lets you know about your setup without having to guess!

Mac Compatibility

Many people prefer Apple Mac computers to PC’s at home – why not take all the features of the simple and efficient system you love to use at home and use it on the shop floor? If you have ever wanted to use Apple computers in the lab or on the shop floor but were discouraged when you couldn’t interface any of your gages with their operating systems, ASDQMS now has the solution for you. Our GageMux USB Keyboards work seamlessly with Mac computers and iPads - none of our competitors can say the same!  


  • Low cost - great for entry level and advanced applications that collect and enter data into MS Excel or Web page applications
  • Easy to use and configure
  • Collect data faster, more accurately and save operator time on SPC checks
  • Connect to legacy RS232 ports & USB ports on newer PC’s – one box does it all!
  • Compact metal case


  • USB 2.0 Compatible
  • USB Keyboard version requires NO SOFTWARE WEDGE programs
  • Configure using internal rotary switches or commands stored in memory
  • RS232 Pass Thru Port for Backplaning 100's of gages or another serial device
  • Supports RS232, USB Virtual COM and USB Keyboard modes
  • USB and RS232 gage scanning rates up to 38700 Kbps
  • User upgradeable firmware
  • Available in 2, 4, and 8 Port Models
  • USB Cable Included
  • Lifetime Warranty

ASDQMS (Advanced Systems & Designs) and its 25 years experience in data-collection application and integration can help you eliminate the high cost of inconsistent quality by controlling your shop floor with SPC Software, Gage interfaces, Genesis Roving Data Collectors, Wireless Data Transfer and Gage Cables. Contact one of our consulting engineers, right now, to find out how ASDQMS can help your company. Contact the corporate offices at 248-370-9919.

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